嘉懋企業股份有限公司創立於民國79年(西元1990年),為台灣早期生產結構複合鋼承板(DECK)、鋼構製品建築商,生設備完善齊全,歷經三十餘年的經驗累積,實績遍佈全國各地。本公司生產各式產品從設計、製造到安裝過程,皆經嚴密管控。品質穩定經久耐用,深受客戶的肯定與支持。Jiamao Enterprise Co., Ltd. was founded in 1989 (1990). It was an early Taiwanese manufacturer of structural composite steel sheet and steel structure products. It has complete production equipment. After more than 30 years of accumulated experience, it has achieved achievements throughout the country. . The company′s production of various products is strictly controlled from design, manufacturing to installation. The quality is stable and durable, and it is well received and supported by customers.